Everyone knows that rain is no stranger to Ireland. This is partially true as it does rain often, but it is usually short-lived. However, while we prepared for daily rain, we were not aware just how cold Ireland is in the summer. For example, the barometer barely reaches above feeling like a crisp October day.....in July.
On the rare occasion that it feels like it is warmer than 60....we dash outdoors. Here are photos from a recent Tuesday night picnic in St. Stephen's Green when the weather did just that.
We recently found out that despite our lack of most common household appliances....namely a tv and microwave.....we have been racking up 150-200 dollar a month electricity bills. The culprit.....our clothes dryer. Thus, thanks to a recent purchase back in MN, our apartment now proudly features a retractable clothesline.
Oh man do I feel your pain! Living overseas is definitely not all fun and games. Regularly doing battle with the foreign forces that be who try to kill your spirit can be exhausting. But Minnesotans are hearty...I think we're winning :-)