Saturday, July 26, 2008

Anniversary Numero Uno

We made it!! One year; no bruises, no bumps, only the sweetest memories of a whirlwind year.

From Erin's yard last July to the Bemedji lakes, to the cabin (Borgies of course) to DC, to Utah, to MN (lissa's wedding), back home, to Penske truck rental cross country moving our stuff home. To EGF again, to Minneapolis, to Cleveland (MN), to Dublin, to Latvia, to York, to the west of ireland, to Brussels, to Asia (thailand, Kao Yao Noi (Honeymoon)), to Krakow, to Africa (Marrakech), to Italy, to Dallas (x4, Lou only), to EGF (erin only), to Bristol, to Copenhagen....and, my antique reading chair in our ghetto apartment reflecting on the amazing year we have had. Incredible adventures only to share with my new and wonderful wife!!

For our anniversary, we attempted to re-enact our engagement day by getting a picnic together with olives, bread, cheese, grapes, grilled chicken drummies, and chocolate cake. Not quite the same as overlooking the Shenandoah valley, but a stream in suburban Dublin had to do. We borrowed our friends bikes and toured the city on two wheels, going to a movie afterwards. It was a special occasion as we NEVER go to the movies!

It was a pretty mellow saturday compared to some of our recent adventures, but needless to say, the day was spent celebrating and reflecting on the best year of our lives!


  1. Congrats, you two!

  2. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Congratulations! Today is #2 for Steph and I.
