Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The Daily Commute

You often really dread the same boring commute day-in and day-out, trudging through traffic and occasionally engaging in road rage, while listening to KFAN or MPR.

For me the commute is a tale of two halves, much like the Vikings football games. The first half is a little manic, where I stuff myself into the tube on the Central Line, changing at Bond Street to the Jubilee and ending my tube journey at Westminster.

As long as I am in the tube by 8am, its no problem. But soon thereafter it begins to resemble the running of the bulls...

Alas, when I make it to Westminster and pop out of the tube to a lovely walk across Westminster bridge with Big Ben and Parliment over my right shoulder and the London Eye along the wandering Themes  in the foreground on my left.
This commute can always be frustrating in the morning, stiving to get to work early with stress carried on your shoulders. However, its always appropriate to take a step back on the bridge, do a 360 and realize these are amazing times we live in, thankful to be a part of it all!

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