Dr. Bauer again out did himself, making yet another trip out to see me. If he wasn't married I'd be a little worried as he visits more than anybody! But he brought Emily this time, on the front end of a whirlwind Ricardo Stevaccio adventure across Europe, known as the Best of Europe tour. They would of course experience the best first, Pembroke Road D4 holla!

On Friday afternoon, I had more visitors (and thank God cuz I missed my wife, who was back home (see previous post). My favorite sibling also showed up for the weekend. Hi Ho LISSA!!!! Lissa arrived on Friday afternoon, we grabbed a late lunch, and Joel, Lissa and I grilled out at Strauss' that evening, taking it easy.
On Saturday, Bauer, Lissa, Emily, Joel and I braved some seriously nasty Dublin weather and did some touring. We went to Kilmainham Goal, Dublin's famous prison. It was an awesome tour and probably gives a better background on Irish history than any other tourist attraction. The prison was really cool and the tour well done. All the political prisoners who later become heros of Dublin were held and many executed there around the Easter Monday uprising of 1916.

After the jail we hustled our way to the Luas in the heavy rain, and of course the Luas (light rail) stopped about 3 blocks before the DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transit), so again it was to the rain to the train. We finally made it out to Howth, fairly damp, but alas, there is always a warm fire and autographed Little Jerry Seinfeld photos on the wall at the Cock Tavern! The name scared Joel too much, so we opted on the Ye Ole Abbey Tavern instead, which has good fish and chips and pours a nice pint of the priest.

After we went on a short hike around the cliffs before returning to town to grab Joel, who decided to opt out of the medicore weather and have a few more beers.

We dragged him back to town to have a dinner at the Canal Bank Cafe, one of our favorites. We had a few more at the Schoolhouse bar before saying goodbye to my friends for now!
Thanks for coming out guys!!!
I love the new blog look, guys! Keep up the great travel stories!