Last Thursday, we happened to be in the most IN place in the entire world...Dublin Ireland for Arthur Guinness Day, a magical day of alcohol-induced celebrations to mark the 250th anniversary of the black stuff.

Strauss was kind (and savvy) enough to score tickets for us to attend the
Foggy Dew, a historic pub at the foot of temple bar. The events, held at more than 15 pubs with a huge performance at St. James' Gate brewery itself, featured famous acts that were unannounced until the moment they arrived. We were treated to the
Kooks, an english rock band who have a very chill vibe, check them out for yourself.

At the pub were Erin and I, Katie, Joelskie, Strauss, Cormac, Germaine and Tony. Arriving at 6pm, the Guinness game hard and fast, and didn't stop till the wee hours.
After the Foggy Dew we went to Hogan's on George's street, another popular Dublin bar, and met up with Strauss' office for yet a few more.

At the end of the night, it was Joel, Erin and I alone at where else other than
Kehoe's, for a late night pint outside on the street. After Erin so heroically sent an older man who had split his head open on the curb to the hospital (his friends were going to let him continue drinking), we danced off the pints at Cafe En Seine and made one last (or second to last) Baggot street walk home.

The following day I had off as the movers came and picked up our goods for London, so I turned in my computer and was joined by about a dozen EY faithful for a series of pints at Kehoe's, outside until Guido complained too much about the cold, then to the upstairs bar which resembles more of a living room. Kehoe's is literally the best pub I have ever been too, with great history dating back to the 1800's, a great post-work outdoor scene which defines Dublin, and one of the best pints in the city. Thanks to all the current and post POD 3'ers for the great night, I'll miss you guys. After that, I hate to admit Colm, Oli, Mairead, Emer and myself washed down the Guinness with a couple bottles of not-so-wine-spectator-recommended wine. Mmmmm, vinegar. Nothing a little dancing can't overcome!!!