We didn't get much sleep that night as the club took us till 4:30am, and we were up at 8:30am, waking up to a beautiful sunrise over the renaissance city. We had a quick cappuccino, got a few more essentials for lunch and set sail to the other side of Hvar island, to Stari Grad (it was either Stari Grad or Vbroska, but Erin beat me in paper, rock scissors, so it was SG). We stopped in an idilyic cove that was full of sunbathers (mostly nude, but we were immune to those particular sight). The ladies made a terrific lunch while Ryan and I explored on land for a couple minutes, and we enjoyed our final cove swim of the trip in the most calm waters of the trip, we didn't even need to drop anchor if need be...and we are at sea!?!?
After the lunch, swim, and such, we headed to Stari Grad, the oldest of the stone villages we moored during the trip, dating to the 1300's, but some of the foundations of the current city buildings were built on roman ruins, as this was a roman outpost 1800 years ago.
We walked around the city for a while, taking in the scerenity of the narrow cobblestone walkways (to narrow to call streets) surrounded by quaint stone cottages and buildings.
After a few games of cards and finishing the last of the Croatian butterscotch liquor we bought in Jelsa, we headed to Emeritas for dinner, an old hermitage on the outskirts of town whose chapel is still in use today....as the wine cellar (only house wine served here). 
We had an amazing meat tray, followed by a mediocore fish tray, walked home for the championship of the weeklong cribbage tourney (Ryan beat Erin in a landslide - hard to accept still), and Ryan and I finished the last bottle of wine on the trip; we purchased most of our wine on the trip based on the existance of a donkey on the lablel or not. When in Croatia, go donkey label or go home!!!
The next morning we had one last dip in the Adriatic surrounded by killer bees before we returned the boat to learn that we had to purchase an unusual souvenier during the week....our anchor that we allegedly bent during the week. Too bad for the low-cost european airlines luggage restrictions, because that would've fit well above Meaghan and Ryan's fireplace back home!
It was definitley a trip of a lifetime and might be our last time to pretend to live the high life yachting the adriatic in seach of Buoey Boy and Bridgette. Maybe next time we'll see them at Carpe Diem:-)