Our AMAZING wedding photographer, Shawna Noel, was dynamite and kindly put together this slide show of our day. WOW! Check it out:
Wedding Slide Show
Here are some of the less professional, but none the less entertaining photos we have collected:

Two kids from a small state called the Minny; just touched down in London town.
Brett and his roomate graciously borrowed their bikes to us to tour the golden gate bridge. Actually, the GGB was only a small portion of our bike marathon. We biked from North Beach (downtown) across the GGB, and another 15 miles to Tiburon, a quaint seaside fishing town on the other side of the bay. The entire ride was so picturesque and we had such an amazing time, even though Erin and I hadn't biked for years! We ate some terrific mexican on the water, walked around the shops and relaxed in the grass before heading back. We hooked up with Tim Burr that night after dinner with John and Kamie to cap off an amazing vacation!! Thanks to all our friends in SF!!!!