Last Saturday, Erin and I escaped DC for the weekend to get some well deserved R&R. We've both been workin lots and I have been studying CPA style for ever now. I just took another section (REG), so cross your fingers for me and say a prayer!! Erin and I drove out to Middleburg, VA stopping at the Plains at a ma and pop coffee shop to get some breakfast.

We then checked into our B&B, the Red Fox Inn, established in 1770-ish, where George Washington visited while surveying and the Kennedy's stayed their on numerous occasions. The building also served as a hospital during the Civil War. Pretty cool old building (behind us below)!

We saw a silly christmas parade which consisted mostly of rich estate owners dressing their poor dogs in raindeer costumes pulling sleighs and an occasional alpaca...

It was actually not that bad, but it had its moments. We went to dinner at a great country french restaurant called the French Hound. Erin tried her first escargot!! The next morning we had breakfast and hit the road to do some wine touring. We went to an awesome vineyard called Linden and had a private tasting of past vintages in their cellar. The views were awesome and the wine was just as nice. $100 later we hit the road, capping off an amazing weekend!